

  1. Scholarship of UNY Graduate School (Beasiswa Program Pascarjana UNY)

This scholarship is provided by the UNY Graduate School Program for the fresh graduate alumni of UNY from the undergraduate and graduate school of UNY with cumlaude status. The Quota of the scholarship is set by the Graduate School of UNY. The awardee of the scholarship will be selected by UNY graduate school along with the faculty deans who propose the cumlaude graduate names as the awardee candicates of the scholarship.

  1. Indonesian Education Scholarship (Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia) or LPDP Scholarship

Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia is a scholarship program funded by Indonesian government through National Education Development Fund (Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan Nasional / DPPN) allocation and managed by LPDP (Lembaga Penyedia Dana Pendidikan), The ministry of Finance, for master and doctoral students who study in Indonesia or abroad. The purpose of this program is tu accelerate the availability of qualified Master and Doctoral graduates who can contribute for science and technology in Indonesia.

Further information can be accessed online from

  1. Indonesian Lecturer Scholarship (Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia - Dalam Negeri (BUDI-DN))

Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia - Dalam Negeri (BUDI-DN) is available for permanent lecturers from state and private university under the Ministry of Higher Education who has National lecturer number (Nomor Induk Dosen Nasional /NIDN). This scholarship uses online admission system which can be accessed through

Some requirements for the BUDI-DN Scholarship candidates are as follows:

a. Lecturers from state and private university under the Ministry of Higher Education who already have National lecturer number (NIDN)
b. Fulfilling the Study (Tugas Belajar) requirements which has been established in National Education Minister decree (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasiona)l Nomor 48 Tahun 2009
c. The scholarship will not be granted to candidates who apply for the second title from the same degree.
d. The scholarship is granted to the students who start the study in odd semester (class starts in September)
e. The limit for the scholarship awardee in 45 years old for master degree and 50 years old for doctoral degree as from 1st December.

  1. Beasiswa Unggulan (Unggulan Scholarship)

Program Beasiswa Unggulan (Unggulan scholarship) is the effort of the Ministry of Educationa and Culture in developing the quality of human resources for teachers, social workers, artists, students with achievements and international winning athletes, the champion of national or international competition in science, technology, art and culture and sports, teachers with achievements, employee with achievements who has the recommendation from the employer.

The top priority of the Beasiswa Unggulan is for the students who continue studying in undergraduate, graduate or doctoral degree in a minimum B accredited university and A accredited Study Program in Indonesian University. Registration can be accessed online through

  1. Dissertation Research Grant (Beasiswa Hibah Penelitian Disertasi)

Dissertation Reseacrh Grant is a scholarship by Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (Research and Community Service division) form Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Higher Education Department) for dicatoral students. This grant is in the form of doctoral research fund, in which the reseacrh substance is part of the dissertation resarch. The information about this scholarship can accessed through

  1. International Publication Quality Improvement Scholarship (Beasiswa Peningkatan Kualitas Publikasi Internasional (PKPI))

The admission of this International Publication Quality Improvement Scholarship is granted for doctoral students of graduate schools which have BPP-DN program.

Further information can be accessed through

  1. Developing Countries Partnership Program Scholarship (Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB))

This scholarship is intended to improve the partnership among non-block countries. This scholarship is granted to students from developing countries from non-block countries who want to sudy in UNY graduate school. At first, the program was limited only for master degree but in 2014 this scholarship was also granted for doctoral students. The students who have been granted by this scholarship came from Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Srilangka, Korea, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Usbekistan, Turki, Burundi, Ethiopia, Guyana, Kenya, Mali, Maroko, Nigeria, Madagaskar, Suriname, Tanzania, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and Colombia. Further information can be accessed through

  1. Other Scholarships

In addition to the mentioned scholarship above, there are also some other scholarship from central government and local govenrment, such as PAUDNI (for kindergarten teachers), Beasiswa Vokasi (for vocational high/ SMK teachers), Beasiswa Kemenag (for teachers and lecturers under the Ministry of Religion Affairs) and partnering local government.